Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hi guys, I just want to share my personal experience regarding vaginal odor.

First, it is not normal to have any unpleasant odor inside your vagina. It is very important to seek help from an OB-GYN right away.

Second, if you experience white, smelly liquid from your vagina, it might be a sign of vaginal infection.

Third, if you experience these, don't be afraid or panic. When I went to a OB-GYN, she made me lay down after taking off my underwear to check my vagina. She used a piece of cotton swab to wipe some of the smelly substance and checked it.

It was not painful at all. So, don't be scared. Then, tell her that you feel like your vagina smells unpleasant. Don't be shy, a lot of women experience these. In my case, I was given a prescription for a week of medication. It's sort of a pill and it gave me a little tummy ache. Remember to complete the medication process so the bacteria won't come back. Usually, if you didn't complete a medication, the bacteria becomes immune to it the next time it comes back, since it was not totally eradicated.

Lastly, I will teach you how to take care of your vagina.

1. Make sure that your vagina is always dry.

2. After you urinate or bathe, wipe your vagina with clean tissue paper ( some tissue papers will have an allergic reaction to your vagina. If your vagina got itchy after using a kind, change to a different brand right away.) I use tissue paper that doesn't leave small fibers after using it.

I also encountered my vagina itching if I don't slightly moist the tissue a little bit with water before I wipe it on my vagina.

3. Make sure you wipe from your vagina going to your butt hole. Our butt hole is full of bacteria. If you do it the other way around, you're transporting those bacteria to your vagina. Remember, vagina first going to your butt hole.

Also, make sure that you always wipe your butt hole with tissue after pooping. Our butt holes are so close to our vagina, it's one of the biggest threats to it.

4. Make sure that you use a feminine wash for your vagina. Soaps also kill the good bacteria in our vagina that helps fight the bad bacteria against infection. I use lactacyd all the time. Some feminine wash are also harmful to your vagina. Use a gentle feminine wash.

5. Use cotton underwear. It helps your vagina to breathe. If you wanna have a sexy time with a lover, you can use any other material just don't wear it too long.

After my medication and these habits. My vagina smells fresh all the time. Just like a rose. Always check your vagina for unpleasant odors :)